August 2017

The cafe opened again on Monday 7th August – the year seems to be rushing by so fast, and it’s surprising to think back on the range of activities and entertainment we’ve experienced since January!
This month we welcomed husband and wife John and Gret Woodason, who talked to us about the Newquay University of the Third Age or ‘U3A’ as it’s usually known.  To get us ‘in the groove’ cafe visitors were given a U3A-based wordsearch to puzzle over, and a display of some of the many U3A activities to have a look at.

Gret and John then gave us a most interesting illustrated talk explaining the role of the organisation in providing leisure, social and learning opportunities for the retired and semi-retired in our community. Everyone was surprised by the range of activities on offer, many of which could be enjoyed by cafe members and their families – walking, reading, dancing, antiques, languages and table-tennis to name just a few! There was even a chance to sample the ‘singing for fun’ activity as Gret and John led us in a lively rendition of ‘There’s a Hole in my Bucket’!  The talk was illustrated by some beautiful shots taken by the ‘Photography Group’ as well as interesting information about the formation and aims of the U3A to ‘learn, laugh and live’ as their slogan puts it. Leaflets about the U3A were available for our visitors to take away and there was plenty of time to ask questions and chat about opportunities on offer and it certainly gave everyone food for thought!
Before tea there was just time to have a go at a couple of word puzzles – one based around the word ‘Dancers’ and another which gave us a line from a well-known song and then challenged us to remember the words which came next – not as easy as you might think, but much easier if you sang the words rather than spoke them – yet another opportunity for a laugh!

After a delicious tea with a wonderful selection of homemade savouries, cakes and biscuits ‘Memories Packs’ were distributed around the tables. These contained all manner of interesting items from the past including newspapers, vintage greetings cards, adverts, postage stamps, knitting patterns, photos and more.  Much conversation and interest was generated by these fascinating items and there was a chance to move between the tables to have a look at different selections.  It was a most enjoyable activity which sent everyone home with plenty to talk and think about until our next Memory Cafe Extra meeting at 2pm on Monday 21st August at Crantock Village Hall. Should you need further information please ring Di on 01637 830544, Joan on 01637 831347.