January 2014

On the afternoon of Monday 6th January, Crantock Memory Cafe opened its doors for the first time. The volunteers held their breath – after several months of meeting, planning and training, would anyone come along to see what we had to offer?  We didn’t have to wait long for our answer! Even before our official opening time of 2.00 p.m. guests, male and female, were starting to arrive, some on their own and others with family or carers. Some were already friends or acquaintances, whilst others began the afternoon as complete strangers – but not for long!  All were welcomed with a smile and a cup of tea and soon the Village Hall was full of lively chatter and laughter.

After a brief welcome from Joan, the Chairwoman of our organising committee, and words of introduction by Sue McDermott from the Cornwall Rural Community Council, we began to get to know each other better by sharing memories and experiences, and having a go at various activities.  A number of our guests and carers took the opportunity of having a relaxing hand massage offered by Di – this proved to be a great success and will be on offer each month.

After another ‘cuppa’, this time with a range of delicious homemade cakes and biscuits, we were entertained by Barry and Evelyn who with the aid of keyboard and accordion soon had us laughing, singing along and tapping our feet!!

The two hours passed very quickly, and we very much hope that all those who came along and enjoyed the afternoon will come again to our next session on Monday 3rd February from 2.00 – 4.00pm in Crantock Village Hall.

If you, or someone you know might benefit from attending our sessions please do come along. It is easy to fit in as each session is made up of a range of activities (next month is based on ‘Pancakes’) and, as we’ve already discovered, there is plenty of chat and laughter. Our main aim is to provide a time and place where people can relax, be themselves, make new friends and have a good time.

If you were unable to come to our first meeting don’t worry – we’ll be meeting at the same time on the first Monday of every month and a warm welcome will await you whenever you can come. Please note that there is ample car parking at the Hall and disabled access.