March 2014

Our Memory Café continues to grow – not only in numbers but in the distance from which people travel to join us for an interesting, enjoyable and varied afternoon.
This month, the first Monday fell two days before St Piran’s Day (5th March) so we had a good reason to centre our activities around all things Cornish.  We settled in with a cup of tea and caught up with friends, old and new, and what we’d been up to over the last four weeks – much talk about the weather and the hint of Spring!
A group based Cornish quiz followed which gave everyone a chance to share their knowledge about our county, and my, what a knowledgeable lot we proved to be!  With picture clues, questions ranging from places and history to food and legends and the inevitable extended chats across the group on their personal memories and preferences we had a lively session that was apparently enjoyed by all concerned.
This was followed by a hearty traditional Cornish tea. We had hot Crantock Bakery pasties (delicious) followed by saffron cake, fairings and sponges and Brenda’s wonderful homemade biscuits. This was topped off by mouth-watering scones made by Kate with a topping of strawberry jam and a generous topping of Rodda’s Cornish cream  - a veritable feast. Washed down by tea and coffee it was amazing that we went on to sing a range of traditional Cornish songs, including The White Rose, Lamorna, Camborne Hill and, of course, Trelawney. We even learnt “There’s something about a Pasty” and boy, can we sing!

The afternoon ended with the usual mix of conversation and laughter and there were notes on the legend of St Piran and pieces of slate with his flag painted on (black background with a white cross) for anyone to take home to help celebrate St Piran’s Day.
We’re now looking forward to our next Memory Café which will be on Monday 7th April from 2pm – 4pm at Crantock Village Hall.  We know there will be plenty to do and talk about; and of course more tea and cake ! 
We’re delighted that we now have guests joining us from Cubert, Newquay and St Newlyn East and would welcome more. All our guests are warmly welcomed at the door by our friendly helpers who do their best to ensure that everyone is made to feel at ease.

All those with concerns about their memory, and carers too, are welcome to join us. The Café is free of charge, although donations towards our running costs are welcomed.