March 2015

There was a very lively meeting of the Crantock Memory Cafe on Monday 2nd March when we were delighted to welcome several new members, as well as meeting up with a number of old friends.

With St Piran's Day to look forward to later that week, we took ‘Saints’ as our theme, and alongside the chatter and laughter had the opportunity to puzzle over word searches based around St Patrick’s Day and St David’s Day before everyone settled down to a group quiz. We found we were quite knowledgeable on such varied subjects as the names of Cornish saints, placenames, saints associated with songs and films – we even included sport!

An added bonus of the afternoon was supplied by our good friend Brian. He is already known to us as a talented artist, but we weren't aware of another skill – the detailed construction and painting of miniature historical military figures. Brian brought several examples of his work to show us and we were all ‘wowed’ by the detail and accuracy of every model. The brushes used were so fine, they are virtually comprised of a single hair – amazing!  We were impressed, but not surprised, when he showed us a medal he had won at a national level for his work as a ‘model engineer’ – thanks Brian! We’re always pleased to share our members’ interests and hobbies.

As teatime approached we were delighted to welcome more visitors – members of ‘a cappella’ male voice group ‘Oll an Gwella’ who arrived to join us for a delicious Crantock Bakery pasty and a cup of tea before entertaining us for the remainder of the afternoon. Our ‘crib’ or ‘croust’ went down a treat, thanks to the bakery, delicious biscuits and shortbread from Brenda and Kerry, and the hard work of our ladies in the kitchen.

The boys from ‘Oll an Gwella’ did us proud with a very entertaining selection of songs old and new, interspersed with jokes and stories. The lovely mellow tone of their voices was a joy to listen to, and we were all delighted to have the opportunity to join in with a song or two!

All in all, another entertaining and enjoyable afternoon.