February 2014

When we opened our doors for the second meeting of the Memory Café on 3rd February, we felt that all the odds were against us.  Several members of our organising team were unwell, and the weather was appalling, with high winds and lashing rain (no surprise there!).  However, our back-up team of helpers stepped into the breach, and we were delighted when guests began to arrive. We were very pleased that Crantock friends, who had attended our January gathering, had ventured out to see what was on offer again, and delighted to welcome newcomers from Cubert, Newlyn East and Newquay – news of us is spreading!
After a welcome ‘cuppa’, we talked about childhood memories, aided by puzzles, toys and photos and as we have come to expect, the room was soon filled with laughter and chatter.  At this point we wondered whether we were disturbing the peace, especially when Caroline, our local Police Community Support Officer appeared at the door!  We breathed a sigh of relief to discover she had simply heard of our gathering and had come to see how things were going: we quickly plied her with a cup of tea and sat her down to join in!
Following a welcome break to catch our breath, during which tea and homemade cakes were served by Brenda and Pat, our able helpers in the kitchen, we settled down for a game of ‘Musical Bingo’.  It’s not until you start listening to music that you realise just how many songs you know – and can sing along with!
The time just flew by – what a great way to spend a dull, wet winter’s afternoon.  We’re now looking forward to our next Memory Café which will be on Monday 3rd March from 2pm – 4pm at Crantock Village Hall.  Plans are at an early stage as this is written but we know there will be plenty to do and talk about; and of course more tea and cake!

All those with concerns about their memory, and carers too, are welcome to join us. The Café is free of charge, although donations towards our running costs are welcomed.