November 2018 Extra

At our memory café we always try to combine familiar activities which we know our guests enjoy with something new and interesting to capture the imagination or think about!
For our mid-November café, our visitors had time to settle in and chat, and to have a look at the latest ‘Sparkle’ magazine and accompanying quiz sponsored by the Bowgie Inn, or to puzzle out an ever-popular word-search based around ‘Local Birds’ (of the feathered variety!)
Our guest speaker for the afternoon was well-known wildlife photographer David Chapman and we were delighted to learn that he was to give an illustrated talk entitled ‘Wild About Cornwall.’ David looked resplendent in his hand-knitted ‘pheasant’ tank-top which had us all smiling from the start.

In less than an hour, and with the aid of his superb photographs he took us on a journey around the Cornish coast and moors and through the changing seasons, exploring birds, animals, insects, flowers and glorious scenery. David’s illustrated talk was both enjoyable and informative and gave everyone the chance to look at wildlife through the eyes of an expert and to appreciate the beautiful part of the country we are lucky to live in.

The time passed quickly, and everyone was soon looking forward to the second very familiar part of the afternoon – tea and cakes! As usual there was a delicious selection of refreshments and everyone tucked in. There was just time to have a closer look at some of David Chapman’s wonderful books and cards before we settled down to a game of ‘Bird Bingo,’ which seemed most appropriate as part of our wildlife-themed café.
Richard gave us the answers to the ‘Sparkle’ quiz and then the session drew to a close.
We look forward to meeting up again for our next café on Monday 3rd December at Crantock Village Hall from 2pm – 4pm. New guests are always welcome and should you require further information please contact Di on 01637 830544, Joan on 01637 831347 or visit our website at

November 2018

Our guests arrived for the first café in November to discover they were in for a creative afternoon!
We were delighted to welcome members of the Crantock ‘Arty Crafty Group’ who had brought along not only their expertise but also plenty of materials and equipment for everyone to have a go at making Christmas, birthday or special occasion cards and gift tags using, or as we say today ‘recycling’ cards which had been sent in the past and were just too attractive to throw away!
Artist, Salli Blackford, introduced her team of Glenis, Sonia, Maureen and Jeni, and briefly talked about what could be achieved with paper, scissors and glue and explained how we could go about making our own creations. With the aid of the ‘Arty Crafters’ and memory café helpers everyone soon got ‘stuck in’!  There were different craft options available and everyone was encouraged to try a range of activities and skills and to make full use of the wonderful range of materials which had been provided.

For those who were less keen on the practical sessions there was a thoughtful display to remind us that at this time of year ‘Remembrance’ is in everyone’s mind, especially in this centenary year of the end of the First World War. In addition to items of militaria from the First and Second World Wars, there were photographs, including some of the 15000 knitted poppies at present displayed on a bridge in Truro. Samples of moving poetry from the First World War poets were also on view, along with the Memory Café’s poppy wreath which will be laid at the village Memorial Hall on Armistice Day.
Also on show were colourful ‘vintage’ Christmas cards from across the years, reminding us how fashions and styles of greeting cards have changed over time. A selection of cleverly made ‘3D’ cards also drew much attention. The cards provoked talk about whether the tradition of sending Christmas cards would continue much longer with the increasing use of the internet to exchange greetings, plus the rising cost of postage!
One thing missing this month were our usual word puzzles, as it was clear that there really wouldn’t be room on the tables for people to do them. Instead there was a ‘communal word-wheel’ on display where everyone could add their contribution to seeing how many words could be made out of the word ‘fireworks’. Linked with the puzzle was a thought-provoking display board with ‘conversation starters’, photographs and questions based around the date of our café – November 5th.

After a delicious tea there was a chance to continue working with our ‘Arty Crafty’ friends, explore the displays or chat with friends before we rounded off the afternoon with some rousing singing of a selection of well-known songs.
It was a busy and action-packed café, but much enjoyed by all, with the added bonus of having made some early and very individual preparations for the coming festive season! David thanked Salli and her team before we said our goodbyes; looking forward to meeting up again for our next café on Monday 19th November at Crantock Village Hall from 2pm – 4pm. Anyone who has a degree of memory loss, with their carers are always welcome, and should you require further information please contact Di on 01637 830544, Joan on 01637 831347 or visit our website at