August 2016 Extra

Visitors arriving for our second cafe of the month, on a beautifully sunny afternoon, were delighted that we had been invited to pay a visit out to West Pentire. At the kind invitation of David and Brenda Eyles we journeyed down the road to see their lovely garden at ‘Arundell’, which they regularly open for the National Gardens Scheme.
David welcomed everyone and gave a brief introductory talk about the development of the garden over the years and then we were able to take a leisurely stroll around and explore the variety of ‘garden rooms’ and see the vast range of plants, with David on hand to answer queries and explain plantings in his usual affable way. For those unable to walk too far there were plenty of places to sit and admire the view, and it was an extra treat when Brenda and our regular kitchen team provided us all with a delicious afternoon tea, by which time everyone was ready for a rest and a chat!

A vote of thanks was given to David and Brenda for their hospitality and continued support and they were presented with an unusual orchid to add to their plant collection.

We know it’s been said before, but it certainly merits repeating that in Crantock and the surrounding area we are fortunate in having many individuals and groups with a wide range of interests, experiences and knowledge which they are generously happy to share with the Memory Cafe. Visitors to the cafe and our regular helpers really enjoy and appreciate the support we receive and we know that everyone benefits from the stimulation and pleasure that an afternoon at the cafe provides.

As usual, many thanks to all our helpers and volunteer drivers for an interesting afternoon and we look forward to opening our doors again on Monday 5th September and Monday 19th September from 2pm – 4pm at Crantock Village Hall. New members are always welcome and we are open to anyone concerned about memory loss, with their carers.  For more information ring Di on 01637 830544 or Joan on 01637 831347. 

August 2016

Every month at the Memory Cafe we are delighted to welcome a wide range of visitors who entertain everyone or share their interest and knowledge on a wide range of topics, encouraging friendly chatter and evoking memories from us all.

For our August cafe, however, the tables were turns and cafe members found themselves to be the main topic of interest and conversation. A word-search entitled ‘That’s Life’ was the first clue, and this was followed by a TV theme which was familiar to some of us: ‘This is Your Life’. Eamonn Andrews didn’t appear from behind a curtain to surprise us with his red book, but instead we began a music-led ‘tour’ of the various stages of our lives. For example, family and childhood were introduced by ‘My Brother’ by Terry Scott and ‘Three Little Maids from School’ from Gilbert and Sullivan’s ‘The Mikado’, whilst friends, past and present were encapsulated in ‘Friends and Neighbours’ sung by Billy Cotton.  Words to some of the songs were provided and everyone did a good job of singing along with the choruses!  Time was given for everyone to chat about their recollections of these years and, as usual, memories were not in short supply – so much so that we didn’t get as far as our working lives, wartime experiences, children and grandchildren, special events and much more! Never mind – we’ll save them for another time.

A mid-way break in a busy afternoon enabled everyone to ‘refuel’ with cakes and tea and to get to know several new visitors who we were delighted to welcome to the Memory Cafe.  Despite the dreadful wet weather, the cafe was very busy and our wonderful kitchen helpers were kept on their toes!
Over the time that the cafe has been running (nearly three years now) we have found that despite their initial concerns, our visitors do have many memories to share about different aspects of their lives. Our ‘This is Your Life’ theme culminated in the introduction of ‘Memory Boxes’ for everyone to take away, in which they can gather together photos, papers and objects which remind them of their lives, both for their own benefit and for them to share with friends and family. In addition to the boxes, members were given a blank ‘My Life Story’ book to work through at home which covers many aspects of our lives over the years, including favourite foods, TV programmes, music etc.

As usual, thanks to all of our organisers and supporters and we look forward to seeing everyone again at our next meetings which will be held on Monday 15th August, Monday 5th September and Monday 19th September. New members are always welcome and we are open to anyone concerned about memory loss, with their carers.  For more information ring Di on 01637 830544 or Joan on 01637 831347.