October 2019 Extra

Autumn was in the air as visitors arrived for our second October cafe.  Our guests were greeted by an atmospheric display of seasonal colours in leaves, nuts, berries and fruits, along with lovely books, illustrations and features such as corn dollies and pumpkins to re-awaken memories of Autumn past and present – there was even a squirrel and a hedgehog!

Our entertainers for the afternoon were the 'Kelsey Singers', and puzzles on the tables reflected both aspects of our afternoon with a word grid based around the letters of ‘harvest’ and a wordsearch using words from some of the Kelsey Singers’ songs! David welcomed the singers and we were soon enjoying a wide range of songs, old and new, interspersed with some amusing jokes and Cornish readings. A delightful piano solo and a tuneful rendition by one of the gentlemen in the choir added to a very enjoyable performance. The choir gave us plenty of opportunities to join in with familiar songs and the challenge to count the number of films included in an amusing number called ‘Usherette Blues’ (there were 25!).
A break for afternoon tea gave everyone the chance to stretch their legs, chat, complete the puzzles and have a closer look at the display, before it was ‘eyes down’ for a traditional game of bingo.  Altogether it was a very relaxed and enjoyable afternoon which put smiles on everyone’s faces.
We look forward to meeting up again in two weeks times on November 4th at Crantock Village Hall from 2pm – 4pm. New members with their carers are always welcome, and should you require further information please contact Di on 01637 830544, David on 01637 830617 or visit our website at crantockmemorycafe.org.uk

October 2019

It was ‘back to school’ at the first of our October memory cafes!  Visitors arrived to find a ‘schooldays’ wordsearch and ‘playground’ word grid, plus a first chance to have a look at a fascinating display which took them back to many aspects of school life.  Items on show included a lift-top desk (complete with inkwell and dip pen), blackboard and easel with chalks and board rubber, a satchel, exercise books, early readers, school reports and photos and much more.  As the theme had been announced at our previous cafe there were also items brought in by our helpers and guests – a number of school photographs of some very demure and innocent boys and girls it was hard to identify, as well as a revealing page from the ‘punishment book’ of a local school in the early 1900s!
Before we fully explored our theme, David rang the school bell to get everyone’s attention and was delighted to welcome The ‘Imerys Songsters’ from the St Austell area. This talented group of ladies entertained us with a selection of songs from musicals with which we were familiar - ‘The Sound of Music’, ‘Mary Poppins’, ‘The Lion King’,‘Chess’ and many more, as well as some evergreen ‘standards’. They soon had us clapping and singing along and interspersed their items with some amusing Cornish poems by David Prowse.

We knew teatime was approaching when the tea trolley was heard rattling down the corridor and, as usual, everyone tucked in to a delicious selection of savouries, cakes and jam and cream scones with a welcome cup of tea.
David then introduced our ‘schooldays’ theme by reading ‘The Teacher’, a poem by the well-known retired school inspector Gervase Phinn. We all had a chuckle before there was time to have a closer look and handle items on our display.
Of course, memories of everyone’s school experiences came flooding back and many stories of school life were exchanged. There was the opportunity to sit at the school desk and write with a dip pen and ink, whilst one of our guests recalled learning to write on a slate. We talked of school uniforms, favourite subjects and teachers, and compared school life today with that of half a century ago – this was very thought-provoking!
As the afternoon drew to a close thanks were given to everyone who contributed to a lively and stimulating afternoon and we set off for home, not with homework, but with much to think about!
We look forward to meeting up again on Monday 21st October at Crantock Village Hall from 2pm – 4pm. New members with their carers are always welcome, and should you require further information please contact Di on 01637 830544, David on 01637 830617 or visit our website at crantockmemorycafe.org.uk