July 2017 Extra

We were delighted to see a good number of visitors at our mid-month cafe and the room was soon buzzing with friendly chatter. Our ever-popular word-search was based around Wimbledon and tennis, and this kept everyone amused until Richard welcomed our first guest of the day, Mary Jones, who had come to introduce us to ‘Music for Wellbeing’
Mary explained that music, combined with gentle physical activity, helped to improve memory, co-ordination, muscular activity and breath control – we were amazed, but willing to give it a try! Seated in a circle, Mary soon had us singing along whilst gently swinging arms and legs, clapping and tapping and even attempting simple tongue-twisters!

Before long we were performing quite complicated rhythms using percussion instruments, and just having a good time!

A cup of tea and some particularly delicious cakes were especially welcome as we all relaxed after an hour of rewarding but quite strenuous activity.  We were then joined by Denis Dent from Newquay Lions, accompanied by his wife Jan, who spoke to us about the Lions’ Emergency Pots.

These small plastic pots are freely supplied by the Lions Club International and supported by the emergency services. Each pot contains a form for each individual to complete their personal and medical details. The pot is then normally stored in the fridge door and a sticky label is placed on the fridge and another on a front door or window to indicate that vital information is available in case of an emergency.  Denis told everyone that the scheme had saved lives and he urged us all to participate. The pots are free for anyone who would like one and are available from Newquay Lions Club.

It was certainly a busy, enjoyable and worthwhile afternoon and we look forward to our next meeting at Crantock Village Hall from 2pm on Monday 7th August. Should you need further information please ring Di on 01637 830544, Joan on 01637 831347.