June 2019 extra

The theme for our second cafe in June was ‘Poetry’. The meeting was generously supported by Literature Works, an organisation based at Plymouth University, as part of a project called National Memory Day.

On arrival guests undertook a word-search containing the names of well-known poets. Then our speaker, Anne Taylor, gave a fascinating reading of a variety of poems, many familiar such as those by Rupert Brooke, Shakespeare and even the Bible (1 Corinthians Ch. 13).  She also read some more contemporary works e.g. Philip Larkin’s provocative poem about parenthood and W H Auden’s sad poem about time (Stop all the Clocks) which featured in the film ‘Four Weddings and a Funeral’.

After her reading Anne led a discussion about what poetry meant to our guests. Responses included inspiring, moving, emotional, melancholic, amusing and awakening memories.  Then she persuaded our Chair, Joan, to recite one of her favourites, ‘The Traveller’ by Walter De La Mare.

After tea we played a new Music Bingo game which went down very well as did the chocolates given as prizes!

The next meeting of the Crantock Memory Café will be on Monday July 1st at 2 pm.