January 2019 Extra

It was great to see how many of our friends had joined us on a chilly January afternoon but Crantock Village Hall was feeling warm and cosy as everyone settled in for a chat or to have a look at a puzzle, quiz or the latest copy of ‘Sparkle’ magazine.
Music is always popular with visitors to the cafe and we are fortunate to have a number of musical entertainers who visit us regularly. However, new musical entertainment is always welcome and for our second cafe in January we were delighted to meet Emma Peck representing a country-wide charity called ‘Goldies’.  Emma led us in a ‘sing and smile’ session, which did just that, giving everyone a chance to join in with familiar songs from across the years. Emma gave out booklets with all the lyrics and we were soon singing along with Doris Day, Lonnie Donegan, Cilla Black, Elvis and many other favourites. In the end most were on their feet enjoying a dance, which was great fun!

By three o’clock we were all ready for a cup of tea and some refreshments which, on this occasion were augmented by some tasty cakes brought along by Brenda from Wiltshire Farm Foods, a company which can provide home-delivered meals.
After tea Joan led us in a game of ‘Dog Bingo’ which was enjoyed by all – especially as chocolates were distributed to those with a ‘line’ or a ‘full house’.
There was just time for Richard to run through the answers to the quiz before it was time to pack up and say farewell to friends, knowing that we would be meeting up again on February 4th at Crantock Village Hall from 2pm – 4pm. Anyone who has a degree of memory loss, is always welcome to come along with their carers. Should you require more information please contact Di on 01637 830544 or Joan on 01637 831347