October 2017

The second day of the month saw the first of our two October Memory Cafes, and Autumn had definitely arrived!  Visitors received the usual warm welcome and soon settled down to chat with friends or tackle a seasonal word-search. A beautiful display of autumnal poems and pictures illustrated countryside scenes of woods, harvest-time, nuts and berries and this was complemented by a seasonal ‘nature table’ recalling woodland walks and primary school classroom displays!

Our activity for the afternoon was to create an Autumnal decoration, and we welcomed Margaret Shillaber from Camelford who demonstrated the simple but very effective creation of a seasonal table decoration or hanging wreath made with a wide selection of leaves, ferns, feathers, lichen and much more which were provided for everyone to ‘have a go’. 

All were soon busy and an impressive range of creations soon appeared on the tables. We were shown how this simple idea could be adapted for different occasions – Easter, Christmas and more, and how by using materials collected ourselves, such as seashells, the decorations could provide personal recollections of special times , creating a ‘memory ring’.
Once anyone had finished their rings, or perhaps weren’t too keen to have a try, there were alternatives such as making a card or picture using leaves, or doing some artistic colouring.

As usual, time passed quickly and it was soon time to clear a space for afternoon tea – delicious as ever.
We then welcomed our second visitors for the afternoon, Celtic Chords, a ladies barbershop choir who entertained everyone with some delightful a capella singing for the remainder of the afternoon.  There were many familiar songs to tap our feet to, and as usual where music is concerned, we were keen to join in and sing along!

It was a busy and interesting afternoon and thanks were given to all our contributors and helpers for providing us with another entertaining and creative Memory Cafe to enjoy.
Our next meetings will be held on Monday 16th October and Monday 6th November from 2pm at Crantock Village Hall. If you wish to learn more about our Memory Cafe please phone Di on 01637 830544 or Joan on 01637 831347. 