December 2016

The Christmas spirit was in full swing for our December cafe. Visitors and helpers were thrilled to have received a very special invitation from Karen Brown, the Headteacher of Cubert School to see their infants’ performance of ‘Strictly the Nativity’. You could feel the anticipation as we queued alongside villagers and relatives and we were soon seated in the school hall and admiring the beautiful backdrop. 

As we expected, the children gave us an enthusiastic performance and seeing the head-dresses of tea towels brought back a few memories! For some of us it was our first time back inside a primary school for many a year and we couldn’t fail to be impressed by all that we saw. We also commented on all the hard work that must have gone on to present such a polished show and we felt privileged to see it.
Those who were unable to make it to the school didn’t miss out on the seasonal activities, as the memory cafe also opened as usual back at Crantock Village Hall where the room was appropriately decorated for an hour of games and puzzles based around the sights and sounds of Christmas past and present. There was even a chance to take a ‘blind-challenge’ of identifying the smells of Christmas which included cloves, cinnamon, port wine, nutmeg and pine needles! A selection of Christmas–themed books and 3-D Christmas cards and ‘pop-up’ books to admire, all added to the magic!
Our newer members had the opportunity to hear about our ongoing ‘Memory Box’ project which aims to encourage everyone to make a collection of personal items to keep memories alive and to provide material to share and talk about at home with visiting family or friends. Colourful boxes and ‘My Life Story’ books were available for members to take home.
When the play-goers returned from Cubert it was time for refreshments – delicious as ever – and we were delighted to be joined by members of Oll an Gwella suitably attired in their festive jumpers and they entertained us for the rest of the afternoon. We were taught how to sign ‘White Christmas’ had the opportunity to join in with shanties and carols and finally took part in a few action songs!

Needless to say, it was a lively and stimulating afternoon and everyone left with their spirits raised and had plenty to think and talk about before our Memory Cafe Extra meeting in two weeks time on Monday 19th December at Crantock Village Hall from 2pm – 4pm.  Our Memory Cafe is open to anyone concerned about memory loss, with their carers. New members are always welcome and should you need further information ring Di on 01637 830544 or Joan on 01637 831347.