Community Support for Crantock Memory Cafe

Our Memory Cafe is run entirely through the generosity of voluntary support and we are so fortunate to live in a community which has a big heart! Helpers, organisers, cake makers and kitchen workers, plus visiting speakers and entertainers, all give us their time and energy freely and we can’t thank them enough.
However, we do also need a little financial help to pay our rent and provide materials to keep everyone stimulated and interested in the world around them, and once again our local community has turned up trumps!
Crantock’s main charity event of the year is the ‘Bale Push’ which takes place in September and over the years has raised a staggering amount of money for local charities. This year we were once again delighted to be invited to receive a cheque from the Bale Push committee alongside such worthy causes as Cornwall Hospice Care, Motor Neurone Disease and a number of other community-based organisations. The presentation at The Bowgie Inn was, as always an enjoyable celebratory occasion and this year it had a very special atmosphere as most of the event took place by candlelight as a result of a power failure!

Crantock Memory Cafe is also very grateful to Sally and Andy Pickles of The Bowgie Inn for their generous sponsorship which will enable us to provide visitors to the cafe with copies of ‘The Daily Sparkle’ throughout the year. The Sparkle is a reminiscence paper full of articles, quizzes, old news stories, puzzles, singalongs and entertainment to stimulate the mind and improve memory.

There is a saying that ‘the act of giving without the expectation of something in return is the true definition of kindness’ – perhaps this summarises in a nutshell the support given to our Memory Cafe by so many people and groups in our local community.