March 2021

 Clean away the cobwebs, make light of dirt and grime
Wave high those feather dusters it’s now spring-cleaning time!
For Spring’s first day has broken and those windows must be cleaned
Cold winter’s grey has gone away replaced with fresher scenes
Ah! The joy of such spring-cleaning. Oh! The joy of household life.
Sometimes I am the paragon of a 1950s wife!

                        David Keig

It’s March at last and time to ‘Spring Clean’!  In years gone by housework was a full time occupation – blacking stoves, scrubbing doorsteps, beating carpets and boiling clothes. The photos on this page should bring back some memories of housework over the past decades and perhaps remind you of work done in the home by your parents or grandparents!

Today work around the house seems so much easier with our modern appliances, but perhaps you have special jobs which you save up for the Spring, especially this year when we’ve all spent so much time indoors.

Finally here are a few items to stir up some memories: