July 2019

Following on from our recent successful cafes based on the themes of ‘Radio’ and ‘Television’, our first get-together in July led us to the big screen with ‘The World of Cinema’ as the focus to spark our memories.
Visitors arrived to find wide-ranging displays of films and film-stars whilst on the cafe tables were a ‘World of Cinema’ word-search and film based quizzes to get them ‘in the mood’!  Before we delved into our favourite films any further, however, we welcomed back our friends ‘Oll an Gwella’ the brilliant a capella group from Newquay who entertained us with familiar songs and banter until tea-time.
We were very impressed with a number of familiar songs sung in the Cornish language as well as the talented musicians on swanee whistles who added their expertise to a performance of ‘Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines’!  As usual there were opportunities for everyone to join in, singing choruses and doing actions, whilst for the choristers themselves the most exciting moment seemed to be meeting up with their favourite film-star, Marilyn Monroe!

Refreshed by our usual cakes, biscuits and tea, and having had time for a chat and a closer look at the displays, the familiar strains of Gene Kelly performing ‘Singin’ in the Rain’ from one of the best-loved films of all times drew us back to the task in hand as individuals and groups shared their memories of film-going past and present and had a go at a ‘Movie Quiz’. Photos, books and cigarette cards reminded everyone of favourite films and film-stars from past decades as well as recalling the excitement of visits to the cinema in times gone by; one of our guests revealed a hidden talent – she knew how to ‘splice’ cinema film and load the projector, as it was her father’s job to service and check the machines!
Our selection of songs from well-known musical films continued to play in the background, and soon everyone was singing or humming along before answers to the puzzles and quizzes were shared.
It was a great afternoon which brought back many happy memories for everyone; whether it was going to the ‘flicks’ on a Saturday morning or snuggling up to a beau in the back stalls sharing ice-cream or popcorn!
It was soon time to pull down the shutters on the café for another week. Many thanks were given to all our visitors before everyone left for home with plenty to think and talk about before our next café on Monday 15th July. New members who have a degree of memory loss are always welcome, and should you require further information please contact Di on 01637 830544, Joan on 01637 831347 or visit our website at crantockmemorycafe.org.uk.