Memory Cafe is always pleased to welcome visitors from Newquay and surrounding
villages as well as Crantock itself, and our March Memory Cafe Extra was no
exception. As usual, there was a warm
and friendly atmosphere and members were soon puzzling over a word-search and a
quiz based on past events that took place in March. Meanwhile, Richard
distributed copies of the increasingly popular ‘Sparkle’ reminiscence magazine.
were delighted to welcome back the Cornish Dance Group from Newquay U3A.
Dressed in their Cornish tartan sashes, they gave us a delightful display
interspersed with interesting and amusing verses, and also encouraged the more
energetic of us to ‘have a go!’
having our tea we sang along to ‘We’ll meet again’ to mark Vera Lynn’s 100th
birthday today. After tea, everyone
enjoyed a game of Musical Bingo before the answers to the March Quiz were
revealed and the session drew to a close.
next meetings will be held at Crantock Village Hall on Monday 3rd
April and Monday 24th April from 2pm – 4pm.
Please note that there will be a longer gap between the sessions due to the
Easter weekend.
Memory Cafe is always pleased to welcome new members, with their carers, and should
you need further information ring Di on 01637 830544 or Joan on 01637 831347.