April 2015

The Memory Cafe took place one week later than usual this month to avoid Easter celebrations, and we were all keeping our fingers crossed for fine weather! Luckily, this paid off, as a Crantock Village Trail had been organised to get our members out and about exploring the centre of the village. To make things a little easier we met in the Memorial Hall and once again we were delighted to welcome some new members in addition to familiar friends.

After a cup of tea and a chat, a good number set off in the sunshine armed with a list of some of the many interesting objects, signs and buildings to be found around the village.

The trail took us around the green and up to the church, and gave everyone a chance to look more closely at places we so easily pass by.

Meanwhile, those who hadn't felt able to join us on our walk had the chance to complete their Village Wordsearch and undertake a ‘virtual trail’ with photos of the parts of Crantock the rest of the group had set out to explore.

Arriving back at the Memorial Hall for another ‘cuppa’ with delicious cakes and biscuits, we had a chance to compare findings and to look at an interesting selection of old photographs about the towns and villages of Cornwall. We were especially pleased to learn that one of our members had co-written books on St. Newlyn East which we had on display.  The beautifully painted mural of Crantock around the walls of the hall gave us a chance to see where we had been- luckily everyone had been on their best behaviour, so we hadn’t been obliged to put anyone in the village stocks behind the church!

As always, the friendly, relaxed atmosphere quickly put everyone at ease and next month we will be back in our usual venue of the Village Hall.  However, the cafe will once again take place one week later than normal to avoid the May Day holiday so we will be meeting on Monday 11th May from 2pm to 4pm.

We are always pleased to welcome new members so should you need further information about our Memory Cafe  please contact Di on 01637 830544 or Joan on 01637 831347