February 2015

Our February meeting was a lively and entertaining occasion. After our members settled in and we had a puzzle and word search, our guests and volunteers enjoyed a marvellous show put on by members of the Crantock Women’s Institute and were then treated to a fascinating talk about the Galapagos Islands by David Eyles. The WI members delivered a hilarious performance of Roald Dahl’s version of Cinderella. 

Several distinguished members of the Institute were unrecognisable in a variety of extraordinary wigs and other accoutrements. The plot concerned a search for the owner of a “smelly trainer” and for some reason involved quite a lot of sword play leading to a shower of plastic heads bouncing around the hall. It could be said that Veronica really was the Head Girl! It was a truly memorable performance, much enjoyed by all.

David Eyles then gave a slide show of a trip that he and Brenda made to the Galapagos Islands focussing particularly on the extraordinary wildlife. David’s photographs were superb and he demonstrated that he is not only a fantastic gardener but he is also a first rate photographer.   

This was a suitable preamble for a delicious tea provided by our wonderful kitchen helpers. As tea was being served we had the excitement of having a flurry of snow which, fortunately did not settle.  Hopefully the weather will be kinder when we next meet on Monday March 2nd.