November 2019 Extra

For their second November opening, visitors to the Memory Cafe welcomed back the well-known environmentalist, photographer and author David Chapman.  Dressed in one of his famous woolly jumpers David’s presentation was based around his latest book ‘Where to Watch Wildlife in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly’. David’s photographs focussed on some of the many rare flora and fauna to be found in our beautiful county, and some of the changes he has been aware of over the last twelve years – for better and for worse! If David’s wonderful slide-show and talk are anything to go by, this volume, which is hot off the press, will be a fascinating read and make an excellent Christmas present for anyone with an interest in the wonderful Cornish sea and landscape.
Following a delicious tea served by our friendly refreshments’  volunteers there was a chance to peruse a selection of David’s publications, or to have a look at an amazing range of board and table games on our ‘Games are Fun!’ display.  In addition to playing cards, draughts, ludo and dominoes, there were such familiar games as ‘Snakes and Ladders’, Happy Families, Snap, Connect 4 and Fishing.

As tea-time drew to a close there was a chance to choose a game and have a go, or time to have a chat with friends around the table.
After a most interesting and entertaining afternoon we look forward to meeting up again on December 2nd at Crantock Village Hall from 2pm – 4pm. New members with their carers are always welcome, and should you require further information please contact Di on 01637 830544 or David on 01637 830617.

November 2019

On November 4th visitors to the Memory Cafe were invited to take a trip through the centuries! Following time to settle in and have a look at some word puzzles, we were delighted to welcome members of the Trerice House Tudor Costume group.  Dressed in sixteenth century costumes, the ladies made quite an entrance and we knew we were in for a very special afternoon. Each lady entered the room dressed in the costume of a different social class – from lowly kitchen maid through to the lady of the manor.
Co-ordinator Jo Wood explained that this talented group of volunteers began working at the National Trust property in 2010. Using brasses and paintings from the Tudor period they recreate costumes of the period using natural fabrics and contemporary techniques – no sewing machines and certainly no zips or velcro!
Throughout the summer season, on Costume Days, visitors to Trerice have the chance to try on some of the clothes and to learn about the history of dress during the Tudor period and we were thrilled that they were able to come along and give us all the same opportunity.  It was great fun trying on hats, ruffs, coats, dresses, pantaloons and even a jester’s outfit! We were amazed by the skills and knowledge of this group. The display of other beautifully embroidered caps and gloves, babies’ swaddling clothes, leather purses, jewellery and more was fascinating and everyone spent time having a thorough look at it all.

To round off their presentation the ladies performed a stately Tudor dance to authentic sixteenth century music, and of course they received a warm round of applause.
Teatime gave everyone a chance to chat with each other and our Tudor guests before David introduced us to a fascinating display. Having learnt about fabrics used in the sixteenth century our exhibition looked at some of the wide range of materials we use in our lives today and how they have changed over the years. Thought-provoking questions invited everyone to consider items made of wood, stone, clay, glass and metal as well as today’s more familiar materials – plastic, polyester and nylon – quite a contentious issue!
There were many items, large and small, to interest everyone including a python’s snake skin, decorative work in copper and brass, household items and a wide selection of fabrics for walls, floors, curtains and clothes.
After a most interesting and entertaining afternoon we look forward to meeting up again on November 18th and December 2nd at Crantock Village Hall from 2pm – 4pm. New members with their carers are always welcome, and should you require further information please contact Di on 01637 830544, David on 01637 830617 or visit our website at