October 2018 Extra

Visitors to our mid-October café were fortunate to be treated to two interesting and thought-provoking short talks on very different topics. But before these got underway, there was time to tackle a word-search based on the National Health Service and a ‘Sparkle’ magazine to have a look at!

Our National Health Service is something we all rely on, and perhaps take for granted, so it was with great interest that everyone settled down to listen to Richard, one of our organisers, who spoke about ‘The NHS at 70’. In addition to giving us a brief history of the NHS from its inception in 1948 led by Aneurin Bevan to the present day, Richard was able to present us with a personal ‘insider’s perspective of recent developments and the state of the health service in the 21st century.

Richard trained as a doctor and spent his earlier years in London hospitals and Cardiff before finally taking up a very senior post in the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital.  He worked here for 30 years up to his retirement, with his special expertise being in the treatment of diabetes. Richard’s talk was both enlightening and thought-provoking and led to much discussion.As tea and cakes were brought to the tables there was a chance to catch up with local news. We were delighted to welcome some new visitors as well as old friends, and there was much chatter about the recent royal wedding.
In the second half of the afternoon we were treated to an illustrated talk on ‘California’ given by David and Jenny Norman. David’s spectacular photographs of a journey up the coast to San Francisco were mesmerising: from coastal scenery and national parks to Randolph Hearst’s castle and the Golden Gate at San Francisco we were given a real ‘feel’ for a beautiful part of the American continent.
It was certainly an interesting and varied afternoon and thanks were given to our speakers before it was time to pack up and make our way home. We meet again in three weeks’ time on Monday 5th November at Crantock Village Hall from 2pm – 4pm. Anyone who has a degree of memory loss, with their carers are always welcome, and should you require further information please contact Di on 01637 830544, Joan on 01637 831347 or visit our website at crantockmemorycafe.org.uk

October 2018

For our first café in October we decided to take as our theme one of everybody’s favourite topics of conversation. Three guesses? Yes, ‘The Weather’!
Following a chance to have a look at a weather-based word-search there was time to explore a display to stimulate thoughts on how weather impacts upon our lives – especially the extremes of snow, drought and floods!
From a different angle there were examples of weather through the eyes of artists and poets, folklore and weather sayings and even an ‘identify the weather presenters on our television screens’ challenge!

Our afternoon entertainment was provided by the ever-popular ‘Oll an Gwella’ an a capella group who, as usual, quickly brought smiles to everyone’s faces! A selection of Cornish songs and sea shanties gave us a chance to join in with clapping, singing and actions and the adapted words to some of the verses caused much laughter!  We were very impressed and appreciative that some members of the group had learnt a new song especially to complement our ‘weather’ theme and their performance ended with a rousing rendering of ‘Lamorna’ which culminated in well-deserved applause and a standing ovation! 

Choir members then joined us for tea and cakes after which we all enjoyed music from another source – a light-hearted quiz which involved listening to instrumental versions of songs about the weather and guessing the titles: ‘Singing in the Rain’, ‘A Foggy Day in London Town’, ‘Bring me Sunshine’ and many more. Of course, when the answers were revealed, we knew them all!
It was a relaxed and entertaining afternoon and after thanks were given to our guests it was time to make our way home – checking what the weather was like outside first, of course!
We will be meeting up again on 15th October at Crantock Village Hall from 2pm – 4pm. New members are always welcome, and should you require further information please contact Di on 01637 830544, Joan on 01637 831347 or visit our website at crantockmemorycafe.org.uk
