May 2017 Extra

The theme of our second May meeting was local history. Dr Ben Dobson, who grew up in Crantock and is an expert on the village, gave a fascinating talk on “William Johns – Crantock Master Mariner”.  William was born in the early part of the 19th Century and went to sea as a young man. He worked his way up by serving in several sailing ships until he became the master of the Liberty. Ben had identified most of William’s vessels from Maritime Records.

In 1847, whilst living locally, William was instrumental in rescuing most of the crew of the Marchioness of Abercorn which had run aground on Crantock Beach.

William came from a large family, and of particular interest was his sister Jane who had married a Portuguese trader. At some point she seems to have been captured by Barbary pirates and imprisoned in North Africa. Local lore has it that William sailed to rescue her and that she was hidden in a barrel during her escape.

Guests then enjoyed our usual refreshments of tea and home made cakes before the meeting continued with an enjoyable game of Bird Bingo and concluded with a Historical  Events Quiz.

May 2017

Nature was all around us for our first cafe in May!  Upon arrival, there was the usual friendly chatter, and on the tables among the display of natural objects including pine cones, shells and bird nests, there was a ‘Natural World’ word-search to have a go at.  Hannah then took us on a ‘virtual nature walk’ which, with the aid of Liz Burt’s wonderful photographs, took us on a trail from Penpol around to Polly Joke, looking at the beautiful views, flora, fauna and birdlife along the way.

A Penpol Kingfisher
Di then gave us a new challenge: with the aid of a CD everyone listened and tried to identify sounds of familiar animals, birds and insects. Some were more challenging than others but it certainly caused much amusement around the cafe tables!

Before tea there was a cryptic bird quiz for us to solve, with the help of friends, and after our indispensible tea ladies had cleared up we had a display of colourful boards showing photos of flowers, herbs and Cornish gardens for us to identify and chat about.

As always, it was a lively and entertaining afternoon and everyone left feeling that summer was well and truly on the way!  Thanks were given to Di and Hannah, and to be passed on to Liz for letting us share in seeing her impressive range of photographs.

We are always pleased to welcome new members, with their carers, at our Memory Cafe and should you need further information ring Di on 01637 830544 or Joan on 01637 831347. Our next meetings will be held at Crantock Village Hall on Monday 22nd May and Monday 5th June from 2pm – 4pm.