On May 23rd Crantock Memory Café welcomed Dr.
Richard Greenwood, a retired physician and diabetes specialist (who is also our
treasurer) who gave a talk on diet.
Richard’s subject was “We are what we eat”.
He listed the various components
of food: carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals and then looked in
more detail at sugar and its significance for health. Glucose is our bodies’
essential energy source, especially for the brain. It is pleasant to eat, but
too much can lead to obesity and diabetes, whilst too little can cause
faintness and even collapse. The body can adjust itself to variations in intake
unless an individual suffers from diabetes, which is due to a lack of, or a
resistance to the hormone insulin which is necessary for glucose assimilation.
Type 2 diabetes, the commonest sort, is mostly caused by overweight
due to over eating and insufficient exercise although there is often a genetic
component as well. Initially attention to diet usually improves the condition. Interestingly,
during and after the Second World War, the period of food rationing was
associated with a marked fall in cases.
Since then, numbers have increased dramatically in the UK and other
developed and developing countries and this is making major demands on health services.
Richard also talked briefly about the health problems caused
by too much cholesterol and salt. The general public is confused by frequent
changes in medical advice and media stories. He advised ‘moderation in all
things’ and to avoid special or fad diets unless there is a medical need.
Guests and volunteers then enjoyed tea and moderate amounts
of excellent home made cakes. The afternoon concluded with an entertaining game
of Musical Bingo.
Our next meeting will be on June 6th when the theme
will be Classic Cars with the chance to meet some owners and examine their
cherished motors.