We're nearing the end of our second year...

With only one more cafe to go before our second anniversary, it seems a good time to reflect on the ‘niche’ we have found in our local village communities. From the very start we have been well supported by individuals from Crantock, Cubert, Newlyn East and Newquay who have come along to share in our social afternoons, have cooked for or waited on us, entertained or advised in equal measure.
Outside of the cafe itself, other groups and organisations within our communities have included us in their thoughts and deeds: these include not only the ‘Bale Push’ perhaps our biggest local fund-raising event, but also Crantock WI and the ArtyCrafty Group which recently gave us a fantastic donation following its Christmas Craft Fayre.  For the second year running we were honoured to lay a wreath in the village on Remembrance Sunday, particularly poignant to the cafe as a number of our members and helpers have served in the Armed Forces.
We’re also grateful to our neighbouring Memory Cafes at St Columb Minor and Perranporth who have given us encouragement and advice.
Many thanks to all, and here’s to our third year!

November 2015 Extra

A good number of members old and new joined us at the Village Hall this month for a ‘cuppa’, a slice of cake and a fascinating look at ‘Old Time Music Halls’.  We watched some remarkably good-quality film from the early twentieth century of artists such as Marie Lloyd, Dan Leno and Wilson, Betty and Keppel, as well as some from later in the century who some of us could recall (but only just!): Gracie Fields, Max Wall, Arthur Askey .. just as entertaining today as they were fifty or sixty years ago!
Together with quizzes and puzzles, refreshments and chatter, and a game of ‘Musical Bingo’, the afternoon passed quickly as usual and left everyone looking forward to our final cafe for 2015 which will be on Monday 7th December from 2pm at Crantock Village Hall.

November 2015

Our November Cafe started with a bang as visitors were greeted with tables decorated with Guy Fawkes and ‘fireworks’! This linked with our wordsearch and wordwheel puzzles, and was followed by reminiscences of bonfire nights past – sparklers and bangers, ‘Penny for the Guy!’ and potatoes baked in the bonfire.

We were then entertained by the Cornish Dance Team from Newquay’s U3A who demonstrated a number of local dances: Mr Martin’s Reel, St Day Furry Dance, The Newlyn Reel and, a surprise for us all, The Mating Dance. 

After reading a few amusing rhymes, whilst they caught their breath, the ladies then invited us all to join them in the Flora Dance, which quite a few of us did, with considerable success! ..... 

Just watching the dancers was exhausting and those who joined in were particularly relieved to revive themselves with tea and cake before settling down to a quiz on a ‘let’s dance’ theme.  Who danced ‘cheek to cheek’ with Fred Astaire?  What dance craze was started by Chubby Checker in 1960? What dance did Matilda do? – just a few of the challenging questions which got us all thinking.

‘Conversation Boards’ on the dance theme brought back dancing memories, and we all had a laugh at a poem called ‘Dancing Queen’ read by Margaret and Di, and a recording of Joyce Grenfell’s ‘Old Time Dancing’ (probably better known as ‘Stately as a Galleon’).

Finally there was a sing-along session for all to join in, and the singing was quite impressive – perhaps it was the additional support from the U3A dance team which helped!

As usual, time flew by, and after thanks were given to all those involved in a busy afternoon, reminders were distributed of the dates of our next 2 sessions – Monday 16th November and Monday 7th December. New members will be most welcome. For more information please ring our friendly volunteers Di on 01637 830544 or Joan on 01637 831347.